Monday, August 6, 2007


Here it is - the final installment!

MONDAY - We're baking a CAKE today (I'm not a 'from scratch' kind of gal, so any old cake mix works!). I'm not going with the traditional 9x13 or round cake, though. We're baking part of it in a glass bowl, some in cupcake tins, and a bit in a mini loaf pan. I'm making icing from cream cheese and powdered sugar, tinting it, loading up my decorator tips and letting the boys go to town. I have no idea what we'll end up with, but I know it will be yummy! No decorator tips? Load your icing into a ziplock bag (the double seal ones are best), snip the bottom corner of the bag and squeeeeeeeeze! Instant decorator bag!

TUESDAY - It is BLAZING hot here this week with no rain in sight (for a change), so it is time to get wet. We're going all out today - water balloons, painting, sprinkler, you name it, we're wetting it! I'm even going to teach the boys how to make the ORIGINAL water slide - the old hose down the slide from the top maneuver!

WEDNESDAY - We've almost hit the end, and with everything we've done this season, the car is being declared a federal disaster area! Today, we're taking the big garbage can to it and my vacuum...time to clean up the inside of the auto! Don't forget to pay a visit to your library today, too!

THURSDAY - My kids have had a blast this summer, and I want to make something today that will remind them of all the fun we've had together. We're going to make a summer time capsule. Take a shoe box, and fill it with the treasures of your summer...that book your child made, sand art pictures, cards for Dad at Father's Day. You can cover the box with wrapping paper or decorate it as well. Put it on a shelf in the closet, and pull it out one cold wintry day when you need a little sunshine to cheer you up!

FRIDAY - How about a sleepover to send the summer out with a bang? Here's a nifty site with some ideas on pulling off a successful event for your kids and their friends. If your children aren't old enough for this yet, how about a family sleepover? Everyone watch movies and crash in the same room, sleeping bags and all!

Happy end of summer everyone! Its back to school in a few weeks for us!

Monday, July 30, 2007


We're nearing the end of our romp around Summer, so I'm picking some dandies for the next ten days. I hope you enjoy them!

MONDAY - water play day! The rains have stopped here temporarily, and the boys have been wanting some water time. I'm not quite ready to run the sprinklers on our already saturated yard, so instead we're using squirt bottles. Just take regular squirt bottles, load and go. They're easier to use than water guns and far more effective! Ready, aim, SOAK!

TUESDAY - Time to get busy in the kitchen. My older son LOVES to make jell-o, so we're going to be whipping some up today. Make it more exciting by pouring fresh fruit chunks (or canned, drained fruit cocktail) into the mix about an hour after refrigeration. Another suggestion is to mix it with Cool Whip and a hand mixer after about 90 minutes...we call it fluff!

WEDNESDAY - LIBRARY DAY! We have to turn in our Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows today (sigh). We're still in book 4, so it was just a status thing to check it out anyway. After our library visit, we're heading home and doing matinee morning...a movie and popcorn snack before lunch! Who's up for Toy Story today?

THURSDAY - We definitely need to get out of the house, so we're taking our bikes to the local park today. We love to ride bikes and we love to go to the park so we're combining them today! And if it is raining today where you are, how about sending some lovin' through a little Monk-e-Mail today? My boys LOVE sending this to Daddy at work and the grandparents as well!

FRIDAY - Time for a family game night! We're pulling out Uno, Connect Four, and Monopoly Junior. The TV is off and the games are out! Hope you join us for the same!

Monday, July 23, 2007


MONDAY - Sand pictures (from Parenting magazine, July 2007): Draw or doodle on study colored paper with glue. Then flip over the picture and press into the sand, turn back over and shake off the excess. Glue on shells, feathers, or other natural finds to add to the creation! What a great way to use the sand box in an artful way!

TUESDAY - Ice cream sandwiches! I got this little ditty from (again) my July issue of Parenting magazine: "Scoop ice cream onto a chocolate chip cookie. Top with another cookie and press lightly to spread (for extra sweetness, roll the sandwhich on its side in mini-candies or sprinkles). Wrap the sandwich tightly in plastic wrap and freeze for a couple of hours. Remove. Let soften ten minutes and serve. YUM!!!

WEDNESDAY - Library day! Find some great nonfiction books on native plants for your area! Remember those flowers we pressed last week? Time to make them into a scrapbook! You can either make a simple book by stapling paper together or construction paper, or you can buy an inexpensive spiral scrapbook that would make a great nature book, too! Identify your flowers, and either glue them on the pages with their name or mount them with tape. We may even create clear pockets to store them so they can be taken out and looked at in the future!

THURSDAY - MOVIE DAY - we're hitting the theater today, finding a good matinee and settling in with a Sprite and a box of popcorn. No movie in your area you want to see? Rent one at your local video store, or add one to your own collection at home with the purchase of that great family movie you've been wanting to see. Then, pull out the popcorn and the pillows! Enjoy!

FRIDAY - Star gazing - no, we're not going to California! It is going to be a great night, so we're staying up late and doing a little star gazing. We don't have a telescope, so we'll be using binoculars to magnify the sky. Travis has a great little book on constellations, and if you can't find anything like that at your house, try searching the Internet for good information. Check here and here!

Monday, July 16, 2007


MONDAY - Time to do a bit of baking - pizza style! I'm giving each child a lump of cold pizza dough (thank you Pillsbury for making the tube o dough!). They are going to flatten it (hands or a potato masher or a rolling pin work well), baste with butter and then sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Easy and good - FOR DESSERT!

TUESDAY - Let's get buggy! I'm actually letting the kids get on MY computer today (eeks!) and go to to build a BUG! Then we're going to go hunt some of our own!

WEDNESDAY - Library day - don't forget! Time to press some flowers today, too. A lot of my plants are feeling the strain of the summer heat, so we're going to preserve their beauty to enjoy later on. Pick your favorite flowers, then press them in the pages of a heavy book between pieces of wax paper. Leave them for about a week or two, then pull them out and mount them in a cool nature scrapbook you can make with your child! Check back next week for details!

THURSDAY - Lava! One of my favorite simple science demonstrations is the baking soda and vinegar trick. We're making a volcanot out of our old playdough today (if you use playdough, be aware that it will be unusable after this), then we're packing some baking soda into the hole we'll put in the top and adding some vinegar - watch the lava flow! Tint your vinegar red for a more realistic effect.

FRIDAY - YER OUT! We live so close to several minor league teams, we are getting out to see one tonight! Get ready for some hot dogs, popcorn, lots of cheering and a great time. Don't forget your glove!

Monday, July 9, 2007


MONDAY - Take a picnic, and after all the rain we've had, we're ready for a day out in the sun! What could be better than spreading out a big blanket on the grass and lazing around with some fruit, a few sandwiches and some potato salad? The food just tastes better outside, and the kids will be thrilled to get to do something "different". And, picnics aren't just for lunch - why not do dinner outside as well? At least the crumbs on the floor are much easier to deal with! You don't have to go far, either...the front or back yard will work just as well as your local park.

TUESDAY - Working on letters - letter-writing that is! Put the names of relatives in a bowl, everyone draws a name, and then write a letter (or draw a picture) for the recipient! Have the kids address the envelopes and stamp them, and if you have the chance to take them to the post office, let them actually put them in the slot to mail!

WEDNESDAY - Make a movie! My kids love the fact that my digital camera can shoot movies, so that's what we're doing today! I'm going to let the 7 year old have at it in whatever genre he chooses...fiction, news, documentary, sports...its time to broadcast! The 2 year old will have a blast, too, but we're not going to even begin to figure out exactly what he's doing! Don't forget the library, too!

THURSDAY - Time to change that answering machine/voice mail recording, and what could be cuter than the kids on the recording? They'll love "practicing" and doing it over and over until they get it "just right"!

FRIDAY - Tired of wearing the same old clothes each day? Let's change them! Pick an old t-shirt and decorate away with paint, markers, iron-ons, fabric, scissors (think muscle shirt! HA). If nothing else, you've killed a few moments in the day, and if you're lucky, you'll come out with something that still might be wearable!

Monday, July 2, 2007


MONDAY - Craft day! Yes, my boys LOVE craft day with mom, which is why it is amazing I don't do it more often! This week, the United States celebrates her independence with a huge celebration, so we will be getting ready for it today with a couple of crafts - a pinwheel craft and a windsock. What other crafts can you think of to create?

TUESDAY - What's a celebration without food? Today, my boys will be making hamburger cookies and easy apple pie for us to eat and share tomorrow!

WEDNESDAY - I love a parade day! Let's decorate those scooters and bikes and have a parade down the street! Or, if your town has a fourth of July parade, join in the festivities!

THURSDAY - All that celebrating has left us pooped, but not too pooped to bowl! Bowling is on tap for today, and if you don't live near a bowling alley, why not make one of your own? All you need are a few water bottles and ball! We're heading to the library today, too!

FRIDAY - Strike up the band! We're turning on the radio today, making a few homemade instruments (even a whisk makes a mighty fine guitar!) and having a concert. Bring out the budding artists in your family!

Monday, June 25, 2007


MONDAY - Budding Artist day - remember that fence we "painted" a few weeks ago? Time to fill that blank canvas! Sidewalk chalk is cheap - $1 for a bucket of chalk at our Wal Mart (eek! Not that I go there or anything!), and a dollar is a GREAT investment for a morning's worth of artistic fun! We love to run along the fence with our chalk, making a huge line from one end to the other.

TUESDAY - I love IHOP, but do I really want to GO there with two kids by myself? Um, no. So, we're bringing IHOP here! Prepare to whip it up in the kitchen with homemade pancakes, a can of whipped topping, chocolate chips, sliced and diced fruit and tons of syrup and butter. What could be better?

WEDNESDAY - Scavenger Hunt! Tis time to whip out the creative juices and go foraging for random objects! You can make your own to fit the availability of items in your area - list about 20 random things. I have done indoor (from a particular canned food to a dust bunny) and outdoor (roly polys to hydrangea petals). This is great to do on a playdate. Give each child a sack and a list and send them on their merry way. We set boundaries of our yard and the neighbors' yard (since that's usually who is over here). Keep their bags of goodies for tomorrow's idea (which is why a nature scavenger hunt is usually best)...and don't forget the library!

THURSDAY - Make a collage! Take the items you found yesterday and arrange them on a piece of poster board or heavy cardboard to make a design or a picture. Even if you didn't do the scavenger hunt yesterday, you can still gather some interesting items and do this!

FRIDAY - SPRINKLER DAY! Pull out the sprinkler, turn on the slip-n-slide, or blast off the hose - whatever you have, make it a water day in the backyard today! The kids will cool off and have fun, and the yard will get a nice drink as well.

Monday, June 18, 2007


MONDAY: Bubble day! My kids have gotten bottles of bubbles this past year for just about every birthday party attended and stocking stuffed...we have TONS of bubble solution! And, today it will all come in handy! You can do something as simple as sitting outside and blowing bubbles (I do not recommend inside bubbles as the soap is like a dirt magnet and will make dark, dirty spots on your carpet!) with the prebought kind, or you can make a solution like this on your own and create your own bubble wands with chenille stems. Or, do like I'm going to do and sit in front of a fan with the bubble wand and let the fan do the blowing!

TUESDAY: Decorate a cookie day! Time to whip out that tube of sugar cookie dough (because with two boys underfoot, I don't have time to put together the homemade kind!), a tub of frosting and some sprinkles. Goodness knows I've got sprinkles - from Christmas, birthdays, Valentine's Day, Easter...time to use them! After we decorate them, we're going to share a few with the older neighbors around us.

WEDNESDAY: Clean a room day! Oh yeah, you know my kids will LOVE this one, but really, we need to clean! So, we're going to tackle their end of the house and clean the bathroom, the playroom and the bedroom. I'm putting the 7 year old in charge of the swiffer and the 2 year old in charge of the feather duster! And, don't forget to stop by the library if you're participating in your reading club!

THURSDAY: Write your own story day - I love this activity, and it works so well now that my kids have their own digital cameras. Disposable cameras work well, too! With my older son, I'm going to have him take about 8 - 10 pictures around the house of things that interest him (I'm guessing his scooter and a Harry Potter movie will be in there somewhere!). Once you have the photos (we print them at home), then you put them into a book - Travis will then write a story for each of them or write about the pictures themselves. When my brother and I were younger (MUCH MUCH YOUNGER), I took pictures of him and a friend posing in different "scenes" from a story I was writing and those were my illustrations...that is going to be a bit too advanced for a 7 year old, though! With Tyler, I'm going to just let him go with a few pictures he takes and color the rest of the pages. Their books are simply stapled together printer paper, or you can get those blank books at your local dollar store. And, if you don't want to do the photo idea, then don't!

FRIDAY: Pajama day - we so need this today! I've done all my errands all week, so we're staying home in our jammies today. Laziness prevails - no cooking! And, while we're in our jammies, I think it is time to do a bit of closet - purging...time to go through clothes and see if there's anything we need to weed out!

Monday, June 11, 2007


MONDAY: Animal Mania - time to get to the zoo! Our zoo is about 30 minutes away, but it opens for members (which we are) at 7:30, so we're going extra early to beat the heat! We're taking a picnic lunch and will visit the animals while it is still relatively not hot. Don't live near a zoo? Visit a pet store or even your local fish aisle at Wal Mart! At least looking at the water might cool you off!

TUESDAY: Time to get ready for Father's Day this weekend! We're making SUNCATCHERS. You need three different bottles of glue (thank you to Travis' teachers for sending all his school supplies back home!), a margarine lid, wax paper, and yarn. First, dye your glue by adding food color to it. You need green and blue, then you also need another color like brown, red or black. Then, take your darker color (the brown, etc) and write on he margarine tub, WORLD'S GREATEST DAD (or another phrase), but write it BACKWARDS. Let the glue dry somewhat, then fill in the lid with the green and the blue, making it resemble the earth. This glue should completely cover the lid and overlap the writing. Let it dry - it can take a couple of days to do so! Once it is dry, it should easily pop out of the lid. Poke a hole through the top. Let it harden on the wax paper overnight. Pull the yarn through the hole and it is ready to hang! TA DA!!!

WEDNESDAY: Movie Day - even wonder-moms like myself need a day to veg in front of the tube! Pick a movie, pop some popcorn, spread out on the floor (or the sofa bed in our case!) and watch a flick with your kids. And, don't forget to stop by the library for your reading club books!

THURSDAY: Make a card day! This is perfect timing with Father's Day just around the corner. My boys love to draw, so today's activity will involve some creative art on their part. We'll be making cards and getting them ready to mail for Father's Day to the grandads and uncles and special friends! I'm whipping out my rubber stamps, my stickers, markers, scissors...anything we can find to make the perfect card.

FRIDAY: Wash the car day - what is more fun than a hose and another person? As hot as it is, it is time to get wet! Load everyone up with sponges, sudsy water and turn on the hose. Look ma, no baths tonight!

Monday, June 4, 2007


Welcome to my Fifty Days of Fun, 2007. If you are coming here via my main blog, welcome! I have two boys, ages 7 and 2, and they are both VERY active boys who need things to keep them busy when they are at home lest I lose all my hair in a very short period of time.

Last year, I tuned into Katie's 50 Days of Summer, and Katie got her idea from Pez's Summer O'Fun. Needless to say, I got the "I Can Do That" disease and decided to come up with my own little list of fun stuff to do.

Here's how it works: Each week, beginning June 4th, I will post a list of five activities, one for each weekday. You can follow my schedule, cut and paste your own schedule, rearrange the schedule, feed off of mine to create your own, or none of the above! The idea is to come up with NEW ideas to try with your kids (or without kids - some of these are fun for us, too!) to break the monotony of being home where there's "nothing to do!!!!" My activities will be geared toward my boys and their interests/ability levels, but many of them should be easy enough to adapt to most children. It will go for 10 weeks, ending the week of August 6th.

So, take a look each week! Have fun! Laugh at me and my crazy ideas! Comment away on if they work for you or not! Some of my ideas will be little (we have a few "busy weeks" and I don't want to bog the boys down TOO much), but all of them are molehills that can be turned into mountains. And maybe, just maybe, by the end of it all, I'll decide that I can do it again - next year!


Welcome to Fun Times in Fifty Days! I hope you find more than a few things to keep you busy and having a great time as the weather heats up outside. Keep in mind that none of these activities are date-specific (not really, anyway) - you are more than welcome to mix them up to fit your schedule. Feel free to comment and add your own ideas as well.

And away we go!

MONDAY: Homemade playdough day! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I'm starting with something sticky, icky and what a lot of people say, um NO! to. As a preschool teacher, I love homemade playdough, and it is TRES easy to make. Plus, if you keep it in ziplock bags, it makes a ton and your kids can play with it all the is tons better than what you buy in the store!

You will need:
1/2 cup salt
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup water
food coloring
What to do:
Combine ingredients in a saucepan. Heat gently, stirring all the time. When the dough has a good consistency, take it off the heat and allow to cool.

TUESDAY: Tent Day! Time to turn the house into a campground! My boys actually love to do this all the time, and even though it means we have to spend about 20 minutes cleaning the living room, that's OKAY! They enjoy it that much. Tent day doesn't mean you have to get all technical and whip out the pup tent (although we do just because it is easy to put up), you can also drape a blanket between two chairs and "camp out". Complete the experience with hot dogs for lunch, S'mores in the microwave, and a hike around the yard. We are even going to go "fish" in the bathtub tonight (magnetic fishing poles and magnetic fish or tie a string on a stick with a magnet and fish for things with paper clips on them!). If you live in a milder climate, you might try setting up a tent in the back yard and playing out there. However, in the oven of Texas, we don't do much in the way of long-term play outside, so the "real" tent is only on the rare occasion that our temperature is lower than 95 degrees.

WEDNESDAY: Library Day - today is our first day to sign up for the summer reading club, so going to the library is a MUST. I'm planning on doing this every Wednesday as our library has a storytime for the kids that involves a craft and a SNACK (the latter obviously being the more important feature for my boys). The challenge of the reading program is enough to keep Travis reading this summer and Tyler interested in learning more about how the library works. And, I'm going to look into an adult reading club for this summer. It doesn't mean I'll DO it, but I'm going to look into it! HAHA We're actually doing two reading clubs - the library one and another one sponsored by HEB...gotta love a free t-shirt!

THURSDAY: Let's Paint! No, I have NOT lost my mind. But, it is hot here and the kids need to cool off! Today's activity will involve buckets, big paint brushes, a bunch of water, and the backyard. I'm cutting them loose with their supplies and letting them paint until their hearts content with water. If it gets on them, not a problem. Paint the fence? Go right ahead! Douse your brother? Alrighty!

FRIDAY: Take a hike! This can be as simple as a walk around the block, or make it an excursion and hit up a local park or hiking trail! We're going to tackle one of our town's hiking trails that we have never encountered before and make an evening of it! WAHOO!

Let me know what worked for you!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Get Ready, Get Set...

I'll start posting ideas this coming Monday (the 4th). Get your creative juices ready to flow because we're in for some family fun that's easy for everyone in the next 10 weeks!