Monday, June 18, 2007


MONDAY: Bubble day! My kids have gotten bottles of bubbles this past year for just about every birthday party attended and stocking stuffed...we have TONS of bubble solution! And, today it will all come in handy! You can do something as simple as sitting outside and blowing bubbles (I do not recommend inside bubbles as the soap is like a dirt magnet and will make dark, dirty spots on your carpet!) with the prebought kind, or you can make a solution like this on your own and create your own bubble wands with chenille stems. Or, do like I'm going to do and sit in front of a fan with the bubble wand and let the fan do the blowing!

TUESDAY: Decorate a cookie day! Time to whip out that tube of sugar cookie dough (because with two boys underfoot, I don't have time to put together the homemade kind!), a tub of frosting and some sprinkles. Goodness knows I've got sprinkles - from Christmas, birthdays, Valentine's Day, Easter...time to use them! After we decorate them, we're going to share a few with the older neighbors around us.

WEDNESDAY: Clean a room day! Oh yeah, you know my kids will LOVE this one, but really, we need to clean! So, we're going to tackle their end of the house and clean the bathroom, the playroom and the bedroom. I'm putting the 7 year old in charge of the swiffer and the 2 year old in charge of the feather duster! And, don't forget to stop by the library if you're participating in your reading club!

THURSDAY: Write your own story day - I love this activity, and it works so well now that my kids have their own digital cameras. Disposable cameras work well, too! With my older son, I'm going to have him take about 8 - 10 pictures around the house of things that interest him (I'm guessing his scooter and a Harry Potter movie will be in there somewhere!). Once you have the photos (we print them at home), then you put them into a book - Travis will then write a story for each of them or write about the pictures themselves. When my brother and I were younger (MUCH MUCH YOUNGER), I took pictures of him and a friend posing in different "scenes" from a story I was writing and those were my illustrations...that is going to be a bit too advanced for a 7 year old, though! With Tyler, I'm going to just let him go with a few pictures he takes and color the rest of the pages. Their books are simply stapled together printer paper, or you can get those blank books at your local dollar store. And, if you don't want to do the photo idea, then don't!

FRIDAY: Pajama day - we so need this today! I've done all my errands all week, so we're staying home in our jammies today. Laziness prevails - no cooking! And, while we're in our jammies, I think it is time to do a bit of closet - purging...time to go through clothes and see if there's anything we need to weed out!

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