Monday, June 4, 2007


Welcome to my Fifty Days of Fun, 2007. If you are coming here via my main blog, welcome! I have two boys, ages 7 and 2, and they are both VERY active boys who need things to keep them busy when they are at home lest I lose all my hair in a very short period of time.

Last year, I tuned into Katie's 50 Days of Summer, and Katie got her idea from Pez's Summer O'Fun. Needless to say, I got the "I Can Do That" disease and decided to come up with my own little list of fun stuff to do.

Here's how it works: Each week, beginning June 4th, I will post a list of five activities, one for each weekday. You can follow my schedule, cut and paste your own schedule, rearrange the schedule, feed off of mine to create your own, or none of the above! The idea is to come up with NEW ideas to try with your kids (or without kids - some of these are fun for us, too!) to break the monotony of being home where there's "nothing to do!!!!" My activities will be geared toward my boys and their interests/ability levels, but many of them should be easy enough to adapt to most children. It will go for 10 weeks, ending the week of August 6th.

So, take a look each week! Have fun! Laugh at me and my crazy ideas! Comment away on if they work for you or not! Some of my ideas will be little (we have a few "busy weeks" and I don't want to bog the boys down TOO much), but all of them are molehills that can be turned into mountains. And maybe, just maybe, by the end of it all, I'll decide that I can do it again - next year!

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