Monday, June 11, 2007


MONDAY: Animal Mania - time to get to the zoo! Our zoo is about 30 minutes away, but it opens for members (which we are) at 7:30, so we're going extra early to beat the heat! We're taking a picnic lunch and will visit the animals while it is still relatively not hot. Don't live near a zoo? Visit a pet store or even your local fish aisle at Wal Mart! At least looking at the water might cool you off!

TUESDAY: Time to get ready for Father's Day this weekend! We're making SUNCATCHERS. You need three different bottles of glue (thank you to Travis' teachers for sending all his school supplies back home!), a margarine lid, wax paper, and yarn. First, dye your glue by adding food color to it. You need green and blue, then you also need another color like brown, red or black. Then, take your darker color (the brown, etc) and write on he margarine tub, WORLD'S GREATEST DAD (or another phrase), but write it BACKWARDS. Let the glue dry somewhat, then fill in the lid with the green and the blue, making it resemble the earth. This glue should completely cover the lid and overlap the writing. Let it dry - it can take a couple of days to do so! Once it is dry, it should easily pop out of the lid. Poke a hole through the top. Let it harden on the wax paper overnight. Pull the yarn through the hole and it is ready to hang! TA DA!!!

WEDNESDAY: Movie Day - even wonder-moms like myself need a day to veg in front of the tube! Pick a movie, pop some popcorn, spread out on the floor (or the sofa bed in our case!) and watch a flick with your kids. And, don't forget to stop by the library for your reading club books!

THURSDAY: Make a card day! This is perfect timing with Father's Day just around the corner. My boys love to draw, so today's activity will involve some creative art on their part. We'll be making cards and getting them ready to mail for Father's Day to the grandads and uncles and special friends! I'm whipping out my rubber stamps, my stickers, markers, scissors...anything we can find to make the perfect card.

FRIDAY: Wash the car day - what is more fun than a hose and another person? As hot as it is, it is time to get wet! Load everyone up with sponges, sudsy water and turn on the hose. Look ma, no baths tonight!

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